
Why Donate to The Ad Club Media Auction?

  • Develop new partnerships with brands you have not worked with in the past.
  • Develop even better relationships with current clients.
  • Donors receive tickets to Media Innovation Day on 9/18.
  • Gain visibility amongst the Boston Media Community through the auction site, marketing materials, social media, & event promotions.
  • Support The Ad Club as proceeds are reinvested in our programming and content.
  • Be an integral part of our Diversity Scholarship Program.
Donate Here

Why Buy from The Ad Club Media Auction?

  • Test out new media at a low risk and low cost.
  • Look like a hero to your clients by saving them a ton of money.
  • Support The Ad Club as proceeds are reinvested into our programing and content.
  • Be an integral part of our Diversity Scholarship program.
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2023 Catalog
It just gets better every year. Take a look at the media we auctioned off in 2023.

Thank you to everyone who supported the 2023 Media Auction:
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Auction Committee

The Ad Club Scholars

It’s easy to talk about the problem of inequity but solving it takes a lot of dedication and money. So, this is a thank you to all the media companies, ad agencies, brands, and our Board of Directors who donate to and purchase from The Ad Club Media Auction. Not only does our Media Auction support one of the most vibrant marketing and media communities in the country, but has also supported our scholarship/internship program for first generation students.
Learn more about The Ad Club Scholars

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